Speaker Presentations
2024 provided presentations for attendee sharing
Concurrent Sessions:
Generate Positive Impact while Achieving Capital Preservation, Liquidity & Yield Goals
Foreign Exchange Trading & Risk Management
How can banking API's unlock value with treasury and across the organization?
The Fed and Interest Rates at Mid-year... Now what?
Strategic Hedging Solutions: Enhancing Risk Management with Cross Currency and Pre-Issuance Strategies
AI (ish) In-House Banking
We have been asked by the following speakers and/or their organizations not to share their presentation slides with attendees. We appreciate your understanding.
Futureproof: How to Survive the AI Revolution
Full Circle Everest – San Diego to Everest and Beyond…
Concurrent Sessions:
Intelligent Cash Forecasting
Treasury & FX Management in a Global Organization using Pooling & Hedging
Mapping the Future of Treasury Data & Analytics
Treasury’s Use Case for AI in Investment Portfolio Analytics & Reporting
Demystifying Cash Flow Forecasting
JEDI Mind Tricks - More Than A "Feel Good" Force in Investing
The Real Time Treasury Debate: what is “real-time enough” for your business?
Capital Structure and Interest Rate Risk Management
Managing Cash on the Peak of Mount Rates
A Conversation on Treasury: Leadership and Technology